Good Life College University has the vision that all people who desire education should get it irrespective of their locations, financial or personal circumstances.
The mission of Good Life College University is to be the University of online access to those who through no fault of their own can not acquire quality education to better their lives.
Welcome to Good Life College University. +447469472030 +2348090745391
Good Life College University (GLCU) is an online university, a world renowned Christian University, highly respected and recognised world wide. As a global institution, we strive to bring the best of secular and christian education to our students.
Founded in 2023, GLCU has a vision to make education accessible to all who desire it, whereever they are located and at their own pace. Education is the fastest route out of poverty and GLCU intends to do their best to educate as many students as possible so they can have a better chance in life. GLCU is tuition free , so there is no barrier to access good quality education. You only pay for administrative, examination and certificate fees which are very affordable. GLCU offers distance learning education. Our programs are designed to enable our students get employment easily or to become entrepreneurs. The staff of GLCU consists of erudite professors, leaders and mentors who work very hard to make our students stand out academically and spiritually. All classwork is remote, online distance learning, so you can learn at your own pace and at a time that suits you.
We are affliated and in partnership with numerous registered and accredited Christian Universities around the world. We also have great educational support services in order to give our students the best.
You are welcome to GLCU where you excel and have access to goodlife.
Professor Lady Ngozi Franca Okoye, PhD, LSM, MSigmaXi, MBS, MFEBS, FYWISET.
President and Chancellor
Good Life College University.
Welcome to Good Life College University Online. Distance Education that fits into your lifestlye whereever you are located. GLCU is tuition free, you only pay very affordable administrative, examination and certificate fees. GLCU is an online education focussing on bringing quality online education to thousands of people accross the world. We focus on job creation and employer demand. Our courses are designed to bring the fastest route to employment and entrepreneurship.
Plot 94 Eastern By Pass Port Harcourt Nigeria.
+447469472030 +234 8090745391
All Rights Reserved | Good Life Publications and Comm Limited. Reg no. 600016
Good Life Global Ministries Worldwide
Registered and in Partnership and affliation with the following registered and accredited Universities:
Victorious Christian Bible University (VCBU) Florida USA.
Open Christian University California USA.
Christian Life School of Theology Global, Columbus, GA, USA